Sick of your Job?

Sick of your Job?
Should you stay or should you go?

Take a piece of paper and draw a large on it. Write Pros on the top left side and Cons on the top right side. 

If your Pros outweigh the Cons then you may have to find out how to adapt or lobby for the changes that would make your job a better place to work. 

We can help with that at

If the Cons out weigh the Pros than some discussion may be needed and thoughts put into if its the right time to make the jump. 

The grass looks greener on the other side isn't always true. There is a due diligence process to go through to help you make sure that making the jump right now is the proper thing for you and your family. 

We help with that - LET'S TALK

Case Study #3

Case Study #3
Case Study #3

Bellingham WA – A mobile technician was struggling to make his business profitable. He was thinking about closing the business and leaving the industry all together. The Owner is very intelligent and had a good understanding of business but was struggling to make end meet. He contacted MECHANIC ALLIANCE FOUNDATION (MAF) For help to help. After several meetings with MAF the root problem was identified which was that he was trying to be too many things to too many people.

Together with MAF we created a business plan with guidelines that provided focus for the business. MAF identified the deficiencies that prevented him from achieving the goals set in the plan. Some of those deficiencies included lack of diagnostic experience and a limitation in diagnostic tools. MAF facilitated the donation of a scan tool and the owner started taking the MAF diagnostic classes. He has taken all that have been offered. With the donated scanner, training, and marketing advice from MAF he set out to revive his business. After a few months his business increased to the point that he was able to purchase a new TOPDON scanner from MAF and is enjoying a revenue stream that he thought was not possible a year ago,

This is just one example of how MAF is meeting the mission of improving the life of the technician and owner while changing the public’s perception of the auto repair industry.

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Case Study #2

Case Study #2
Arlington IN – A 6-year technician working at a GM dealership had not received a raise since joining the company. During the time that he was there he, on his own, completed most of the training to become GM Master Tech. He felt that his investment of time and money entitled him to a raise but did not know how to approach his management to ask for a raise. So, he contacted MECHANIC ALLIANCE FOUNDATION (MAF) to help him with a strategy to get more pay.

Together with MAF we drafted a letter requesting a meeting with management along with the expectations of the meeting. In addition, MAF discussed what to avoid discussing during that meeting. The meeting was held, and management acknowledged that he was worth more than the $18/hr. they were paying but stated that they could not afford to give a pay raise at the time.

After hearing that there would be no raise, he again reached out to MAF for help. The MAF team wrote a resume for him which resulting in 3 shops showing interest in him. All 3 presented offers. Along with the MAF team we selected the best company and began negotiations with them. Using the MAF strategies he was able to negotiate a rate of $32/hr. and because it was a hour away from his home we negotiated the use of dealership vehicles for the commute. Within a year we were able to bump his pay rate to $50/hr.

This is just one example of how MAF is meeting the mission of improving the life of the technician and owner while changing the public’s perception of the auto repair industry.

How to Sell Your Diagnostic Evaluation

Some customers may give some pushback on diagnostic charges, but they can be easily addressed by simple education
An automotive diagnostic evaluation is a systematic approach to identifying and evaluating issues with a vehicle’s various systems and components. It typically involves a series of tests and checks to diagnose the root cause of any problems or malfunctions.
However, some customers may give some pushback on diagnostic charges, but they can be easily addressed by simple education and by outlining these four following steps as a necessary and essential part of returning their cars back on the road, efficiently and effectively.
1. Initial inspection: The technician will visually inspect the vehicle, looking for any obvious signs of damage or wear, such as leaks, corrosion, or worn out parts.
2. Diagnostic tests: The technician will perform a series of diagnostic tests to assess the performance of different components, such as the engine, transmission, brakes, and electrical system. This may involve using specialized equipment, such as an onboard diagnostic scanner, to retrieve error codes and other diagnostic data.
3. Data analysis: The technician will analyze the results of the diagnostic tests to identify any issues or malfunctions. This may involve comparing test results to manufacturer specifications or using their own knowledge and experience to diagnose the problem.
4. Recommended repairs: Based on the results of the evaluation, the technician will recommend a course of action to repair or replace any faulty parts or components. This may involve providing an estimate for the cost of repairs and discussing the options with the vehicle owner.
Automotive diagnostic evaluation requires a combination of experience, expertise, and access to the right tools and resources. It is essential for identifying and addressing issues with a vehicle to ensure its safe and reliable operation.

This is why we have to charge for our diagnostic evaluation — and getting to the root of the problem.

Yes, it costs customers up front, but by doing so we don’t needlessly throw unneeded parts at their vehicle like others out there.

Being Productive at Work

Being Productive at Work
There are several strategies that can help you stay productive at work:
  1. Set clear goals: Set specific and achievable goals for the day, week, and month. This will help you stay focused and prioritize your tasks.
  2. Prioritize your tasks: Identify the most important tasks and work on them first. This will ensure that you are making progress on the most critical projects.
  3. Manage your time effectively: Use a calendar or planner to schedule your time and make sure you are dedicating enough time to each task. Avoid multitasking, as this can lead to decreased productivity.
  4. Take breaks: Taking short breaks throughout the day can actually help improve productivity. Use this time to step away from your desk, stretch, or take a short walk.
  5. Minimize distractions: Turn off notifications on your phone, avoid checking email constantly, and close unnecessary tabs on your computer. This will help you stay focused on your work.
  6. Stay organized: Keep your workspace clean and organized to minimize distractions and make it easier to find what you need.
  7. Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep is crucial for productivity. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to ensure you are well-rested and ready to tackle the day.
Remember, staying productive at work requires discipline, focus, and a willingness to prioritize and manage your time effectively.

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